Friday, September 28, 2018

Review and Plan for Future Posts

TALK Friday  9 28 18

I have been reviewing my TALK*posts that started in Summer, 1015, to determine how I might proceed.  There have been 85 posted addressing Language, Literacy, and Learning for children age Birth to Grade 3.  Those themes include a focus on early language development, the relationship between language and literacy, the reading/achievement gap, social/emotional learning, and the relationship between learning success and cognitive/emotional dimension of learning in general and learning to read in particular.  This review will take a while.  I hope readers will continue to support and share these posts.

From July, 2015
The Importance of Conversation as a Tool for Learning
There is a vast literature on language development and the role that oral language plays in literacy, thinking, and learning.  I am going to use this blog to share some of that literature, focusing on translating research and theory into ideas that parents and teachers can use on a daily basis.

July, 2018

Supporting Children's Agency: Involving Children in Decision Making

 National Quality Standard | Information sheet
Genuine decision making
“Sharing the power that adults hold, and trusting that children are competent decision makers can support children’s agency.
For example, educators can:
                arrange activities, routines and the physical environment so that children have a range of opportunities to make choices about what they will do and how they will do it
                provide children with the opportunity to make choices in circumstances where their decisions will be able to be accepted."

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