Thursday, October 4, 2018

Putting It Together: Looking Across Affective/Social/Emotional Dimensions of Learning

 Putting It Together

Over the last several months I have focused on the Affective/Social/Emotional Dimensions of Development and Growth in the Preschool to Grade 3 years.  I have blogged about specific “programs” in the authors’ words, tracing these concepts back to the 1980’s and forward to 2018.

There does not APPEAR to be one overarching concept that covers these three superordinate categories of growth. It’s not clear to me how teachers (or parents) can make sense of such a wide range of labels.  Do teachers/schools focus on one of the labels?  If so, which one?  And if so, why?  And, if so, what is missing?

Consider the range of labels: Social/Emotional Learning, Emotional Development, Social Development, Self-Management, Self-Esteem, Self-Advocacy, Agency, ……..

It is taking me a while to reread all of this material to determine if there is a way to organize it and, thus, make the overarching attention to the Affective/Social/Emotional Dimensions of Development and Growth user friendly.  This will take a while, but I’ll check in with my progress once a week.

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